OLMS Fun Club 12/08

This is the Oregon Leadership Mom School Fun club!
I'm the leader this year. We have it once a month and the kids are 5-7 years old. They are at a great age and are very enthusiastic about everything that we do. I taught them about snowflakes and they made some of their own! We also had a Christmas Carol/Instrument Play along.


Tyra said...

I got your Christmas card and am glad to see you started a blog. Now we can really keep in touch. We have one too it is Beardsblog.com you will have to check it out when you get a chance. Oh and Amy has one too it is Brightideasbyamy.blogspot.com

Congratulations on your new baby. You have such a cute family!!

Natalie Jane said...

Fun! I really need to get a group like that started out here.