Halloween Celebrations 10/09

This is Annie. She won the cutest costume at our ward party in '07 and in '08 and she was fully expecting to win again this year, but she lost to her good friend Rachel, pictured here. She was a gorgeous Cleopatra as you can see. Annie said, "I lost, but it's okay because my friend won instead." So cute.

At Bridgeport Village. I have a pumpkin, two witches and a black ninja.

The black ninja and his moves.

You do not want to be on his bad side.

Our little angel, Jessica. It was so cold we threw on her jeans, so she lost some of the effect but she was still sweet.

Eating a soft pretzel.

Running away as usual!

Alexis, Julia and Annie had fun rocking out to the Radio Disney tunes they had there. They won free tickets to see a press sneak preview of The Christmas Carol movie that came out and a couple of DVD's.
We went to the movie a few nights later. Before the movie they handed out free candy, hot chocolate and played some games with the audience. They won a free handbag and waterbottle at that. They have good luck!!

1 comment:

Cristy said...

They are all so cute in their costumes! It makes me sad that I missed out on the parties. I am glad that Annie was okay with Rachel winning. What a sweet friend!