Grandpa Noack's house and farm 9/09

We love a chance to visit Grandpa at his "farm". It was beautiful fall weather and our kids thought they had died and gone to heaven!

Jessica was entranced by the hens.

The egg collectors...

Aren't they pretty?

In the prolific greenhouse.

Picking the low-hanging apples-they made great apple crisp!

Their booty!

If only Annie had more hands...

Grandpa let them name their own. This is Julia with fuzzy-paws.

Alexis with Little Tom (formerly known as Peter).

Annie with Stacy (but her nickname is Macy). I don't know where they came up with these names!!

The middle kitten is John's-squirmy wormy.

It was a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

WOW! I bet your girls were on cloud 9!!!