Misc. August 2014

Asher on his third plum at the Liberty Lake Farmers Market. 
The annual lemonade stand run by Annie and Jessica!
My backyard had some cowboys & Indians in it!
They were good lookin' but ne'er too friendly. 
I only pay for ice cream truck treats once a summer even though they come through once a week.  Too expensive, but it is really fun!
This poor teddy really got hurt!
Luckily for teddy, he had Annie and Jessica to administer the first aid. 
They were jealous of John and Boyscouts so they started their own scouting and earned badges.
(Totally run by Annie of course).
A friend took this of Asher in church.  1pm church pretty much guarantees Asher will be asleep at some point.  My kids have always been able to sleep anywhere!  (at least when they are little)  Bishop training. :)
I found this...on my bed, carpet, dresser, mirror, bench, wall, etc. 
But when I found this...I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry!  Jesse didn't want me to take a naked picture, so he grabbed one of the girls crafts sitting around for modesty.  This will be really funny later....like after we re-paint. 

1 comment:

Betsy Fox said...

That picture of Asher is too funny. He may not think so in a few years, but eventually he'll come around. Annie has such great ideas-- I can see why Jessica loves playing with her so much.