Youth Conference 6/2014

Jesse and I were one of ten couples in our Stake chosen to be "Mission Presidents" for a two-day Youth Conference for our church kids 14-18 years old.  We got "called" to serve the Chile Santiago, Oeste Mission, the same one Jesse served in for two years when he was 19!  The kids also got mission calls to our mission, and we assigned companionships.
Jesse's parents graciously let us take over their home for an evening where we had a cultural night and games.  It was very nice because I had made dinner for 20.  :)
Chilean completos.  A glorified hot-dog served on a fresh bun.   
This is a good bunch of kids!
The lentejas (lentils) took the longest to make.  I was chopping vegetables forever.  :)
Haley Carpenter, Hailee Roberson, Toria Raab, Chad Stevens, Ethan Stewart, Brandon Rowell, Sami Kopelson, Emily Anderson, Natasha Selby, Tyler Rigby, Luke Merritt, Emma Stevens. (Not pictured: Jenna Vasquez, Silvan Squires, and Donavan Steele.)
We taught workshops and classes.  This is where the kids are having companionship scripture study. 

The door of our "mission home" at the church.  I was a bit stressed trying to pull off two days of leaving my kids and all the prep for this while being Primary Pres. and Jesse being YM Pres. We are BUSY, but it ended up being a blessing and we pulled it off.  It was wonderful to see the excitement that these kids had to be missionaries for the weekend.  They even got to go on exchanges with real missionaries and eat dinner in a members home.  Kudos to our stake for all this planning to provide these youth a great conference! 

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