Sunny Day 5/2012

Asher being silly on a sunny day!
Jessica is silly too!

This is a good shot of Jessica and her "googly eye".  She has amblyopia and strabismus and her eye crosses when she's not wearing glasses.  She has to patch 3 hours a day.  We're hoping to avoid surgery! 

When ever I hear faint screaming and Jessica is missing, I know right where to find her.  She climbs the tree on the right, because she can get up in it by stepping on the sandbox.  At first, she only climbed up a little.  By the end of the summer she would get up about 3/4's up, and get stuck.  She can't climb down.  So that meant that I, her mother, would have to climb up after her.  Talk about embarrassing   I had a whole culdesac of neighbors to laugh about it.  
She keeps doing it though!  It is fun to climb trees!

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