It's over! 03/09

WHOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got some great news today. Alexis has been wearing an eye patch 6-8 hours a day (only occasionally missing) for almost 3 years. Today she officially gets to wear glasses only. She has 20/20 vision in her right eye, and improved her lazy eye from 20/400 to 20/40!!!! We're proud of you Alexis!


Mandy said...

Way to go Alexis!! She was truly a trooper. Now John can have all the eye patches for Pirate dress-up!

Kathleen Jolley Fox said...

We are proud of you, Alexis. You have a great talent of self-discipline. It will serve you well throughout your life. Love, Grandpa and Grandma Fox See you soon.

Cristy said...

Wow, that is an amazing improvement! Congratulations to her!

Katie Fox said...

yea!! that is so exciting that her eyes improved so much that is wonderful.

Carrie said...

Wow Alexis. That is a huge accomplishment for a kid. I don't think I would ever be able to stick with that for three years. Way to go!!!

Maia said...

Thats great Alexis!

Abe Fox said...

Congratulations Alexis, can't wait to see you and your family!!!!!


Congratulations to MomFox......this is the very first blogging comment I think I have ever seen her make!!

Rebecca said...

Wow! That's great news! I hope one day I can post something like that for McKay! (see today's post)