John 3/2015

John and his team, I'm sure this was after a win with all those happy faces!
This boy is a distraction to my book I was trying to read. He reminded me of a little Top-Gun Tom Cruise. ;)
These Nerf Blasters keep getting bigger and bigger!

Flowers 3/2015

This tiny boy gave himself a haircut. But I am really writing about how he's a little romantic. He picks every dandelion that pops up in our lawn and brings them to me with great flourish and pomp.  

Birthday Girl 3/2015

Our lovely Julia turned 14!  We love this birthday girl! 
Her YW leaders and friends came and decorated her bedroom. So sweet.
For her birthday she got the news that she's going to EFY with Alexis and their two best friends!! 

Jessica 3/2015

Someone is excited for Easter coming!!
Jessica Rabbit. :)
Jessica in her art class!!  She loves to create things. 
Jessica and one of her eyepatches (she has amblyopia and strabismus). 

A pet! 3/2015

Jessica and Annie have been BEGGING for a pet and I kept saying no....they came up with this note. Before handing it to me they said, "Don't say anything, read it and think about it." They had never looked more serious about anything in their lives. How could I refuse? 
They had been saving for a couple of months and were able to buy a cute little Robo Hamster. He's a dwarf hamster and very fast and tiny. They have been true to their word and have been taking very good care of him!

Pinewood Derby 3/2015

John's car, Orange Crush!  He wanted it to look like it had golf ball divots in it. Thanks to Grandpa Fox and his shop, Jesse and John were able to make it look great!
He'll grow into that shirt. :)
John had a great audience!  He got 2nd or 3rd place, I'll have to ask him, he'll remember.

St. Patrick's Day 3/2015

We had Nana over for our annual St. Patrick's Day dinner, we had to do it a few days early-but it felt the same. :)
Cabbage rolls and mashed potatoes are always on the menu!  
Grandma's storytime was a very green affair.  The shamrock shakes were a hit!

Church kids 2/2015-3/2015

Jesse must think our kids are cute in our backseat because he keeps texting me pictures of the kids on the way to church. 
These were just three of the weeks. Haha. I'm glad he loves our kiddos. 

Jessica's 7th birthday party 2/2015

Jessica's birthday is March 1st, but since it was Sunday, we celebrated the day before on 2/28.
Jessica was almost a leap year baby, we checked into the hospital on 2/29, but she wasn't born until 3/1.
This is the first birthday Jessica has wanted to have friends at her party!  We were so happy. :)
She chose Chuck E Cheeses as the place.  She is a delightful girl and we love our Jessi-Lu!
Annie helped make the cupcakes for her. 
She wasn't scared a bit!
She had a cute group of friends from church come to celebrate with her!
Opening presents is always fun!
Love our little princess! 

Roller Valley 2/2015

I think that this was Asher's first time roller skating.  He was excited to try it!
Annie was so sweet to help him skate around the rink. :)

Mother/Daughter Bookclub 2/2014

Annie and I are part of a Mother/Daughter bookclub we've had going for 3 years now!  This one was at our house. We read Peter Pan and had snacks to go along with it!  Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of root beer! 
Annie and I made these "clam" shell cookies complete with pearls!  (yogurt covered raisins)

Annie's 12th birthday week 2/2015

I had to document this. When Annie does her schoolwork, she sits in a little ball and plugs her hears with her knees to drown out distractions. It looks very uncomfortable, but she does it for hours!  Below is her last day of Primary when the YW came to kidnap her. She got to sing her last song with them before she left! (I Stand All Amazed) Isn't that a special tradition?
For Annie's birthday she wanted a day with one of her favorite cousins, Abby!  They started out at IHOP for breakfast.
They are such fun girls together!
Hot cocoa!
Next they stopped at the mall. They got matching best friends necklaces at Claires!
Then they came to our house to hang out. They are growing up!
The next day, Annie got to attend New Beginnings for the new Beehives in Young Women at church! 
This is such a wonderful group of girls they are getting this year!  And their leaders are spectacular!!
On her actual birthday she got her cake and a wish. I can hardly believe our peanut is 12!

Baby Greg 2/2015

My little sister Becca had her 2 child and named him Gregory after my uncle who passed away when he was a little boy. A special name for a special baby!  Isn't my sister too gorgeous for having just given birth? She looks like a Hollywood celebrity.  I did not look like that after my babies. I looked more like death. Haha. 
Alexis and Julia took turns flying down to Arizona for a week each to help out.  They adored spending time with Becca's family and especially little Hallie girl! 
Becca was so sweet and took them shopping too! I wish we lived closer! 
The girls brought home a bunch of grapefruit picked out of their backyard!  It was delicious and HUGE!

Valentine's Day 2/2015

We usually have a heart shaped Papa Murphy's pizza sometime around Valentines!
Jesse surprised me with a gorgeous box of chocolate covered strawberries!  The kids helped me with these. :)
And the highlight of the week-my Aunt Shauna and Uncle Kris came to visit from Sacramento!!  We had a great time visiting with each other. We went on a hike around Tubbs Hill in CDA and went to Fire for dinner.  Asher was so fast he kept up really well. 
Hiding under an overcropping of rock. 
King of the Hill!  I can hardly get him to hold still for a picture!

Our kids love the attention Shauna and Kris shower on them!