Silverwood 8/2013

It's our annual trip to Silverwood time!  Jessica was having fun, and was a little scared.
Asher's expression cracks me up!
Riding the train...
Love this little redhead!
The forest is pretty.
Girls are sweet.
Then you add a boy to the mix...
Watch out boys, this girl is growing up!
Jesse always gets stuck with the job of walking around with wiggly babies while we wait for food at restaurants.
Asher is so little, I was surprised when they let him on this ride.
They both promptly played Houdini and got out of their seat belts!  Luckily they survived, since their worried mom was yelling at them to sit down. :)
Asher would only go on this ride if Annie and I went with him.
He had fun!
He liked this one for a minute.
Then he got worried.
Asher piloting his first plane.
I think they had fun.

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