Alexis' 14th birthday 4/2013

For Alexis' birthday, she had over a couple of friends.
They enjoyed her strawberry cake!

Julia happened to have a friend over too-
Love these fun girls!
She can go to Stake Dances now!

Happy 14th Alexis!

Beginning of April 2013

Annie and Jessica are so cute, we came home from a date to this cake!  They made it to just say thank you for us being good parents.  Awww!!  Love it! (It says "Thanks you guys")
They even had a sign made!  What sweeties.

Alexis had the best Beehive teacher ever at church and when she graduated to the Mia Maids class she made this cute poster for Alexis.  Her siblings enjoyed helping her eat the candy.  We love Sister Sorenson! 

This is Asher re-living my childhood memories at White Elephant in Spokane Valley.  Only 10 cents a ride!  What a bargain!  (instagram)

March 2013

I made this St. Patrick's day Grandma's story time rainbow treat!   (Instagram)

Sometimes when I look in my back yard I see funny things, like our neighbors cat Lulu getting stuck in a tree and the kids trying to save her.  I like the blanket as a back-up plan. 

Having fun at the egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Fox's house.  We made sure to avoid all the elk and deer poo on the lawn.  :)

Asher would open them as he found them, so he didn't get many, but he was happy!

John is a good finder.
The golden egg has a lot of coins in it!!
Millie, Jessica, Annie, Claire, Addy, John and Asher.  Thanks for having us up Grandma!

St. Patrick's Day 3/2013

I am proud of my Irish side of the family and my Grandpa Harrington's genes, even if it means I can never get a tan. :)
I have tried making corned beef for St. Patrick's Day, but Jesse is always disappointed that it doesn't taste like pot roast, so the last few years we have made cabbage rolls for our traditional dinner.  They are delicious!
It wouldn't be complete without shamrocks!
We had my Nana over for dinner.  She said my cabbage rolls were beautiful.  Too bad I didn't think to take a picture until they were almost all gone and looking ugly.  :)
Erin go bragh!

Julia's 12th Birthday 3/2013

Julia turned 12 this year!  She is a wonderful girl and is excited to be a Beehive at church!
We had small birthdays for the girls this year, they could either invite over a friend, or a couple of cousins.  Julia chose cousins. 
She really likes lemon bundt cake!
The Beehive class "heart attacked" Julia for her birthday.  What a fun thing to discover!!
I love this girl!!
How can I delete any of these when she's so cute? Happy Birthday Jujube!!

Jessica's 5th Birthday 3/2013

Jessica is 5!!  Time sure flies.  We took our kids to the Jump and Bounce one day and had cake at home another day. 

I can't get action shots with my camera.  :)  They were constantly bouncing.!
She is so adorable!!

Serious wishing going on...
Tea set!!

She requested carrot cake!
Happy Birthday to our little sweet pea!!

V-day 2013

Jessica loves cheesecake!
Our Valentine's Dinner with the kids.  :)

Annie's 10th Birthday 2/2013

I got my older three girls Taylor Swift concert tickets for their birthdays so I told them no big parties.  Annie got to have one friend over for her birthday and she had her friend Lilli over. 

They bought this at the mall.

Annie loves Paris!
She wanted a Marie Callendar's French Silk pie in lieu of a cake.  Easy!

She was sweet to let Asher blow out the candles.  We love our peanut Annie!!

February Instragrams 2/2013

I told Jessica she could have a spoonful of cookie dough-she got about a half a cup on there!  Haha!

Getting her ears pierced for her 10th birthday at Claire's!

Playing the Big Fat Tomato Game at the mall with Lilli.