Spokane Interstate Fair 9/2011

Asher's first time at the fair, and he's lovin' it!  Watching the baby pig races was a fun way to start the day!
The three musketeers are intent on their pigs winning....

And they're off!
Look at all those cousins!!  All homeschoolers too!
The winner of the day!
Jessica insisted on a picture with the cows!
I really couldn't capture how cute these baby pot-bellied pigs were. 
I couldn't stop looking at these burros (they might be donkeys-I can't tell the difference).  I finally realized why Eeyore is so down.  These were some depressed animals!!  They looked so sad and pathetic with their heads hanging down. 
The spinners were fascinating to watch.
I told my girls how I had a singer sewing machine in my house growing up that was my grandmothers and they wanted a picture by this one.  These girls love to sew!
This is Annie looking oh so sweet, ready to go Mutton Bustin'. Mutton Bustin' is an exciting event where 3-6 year olds attempt to ride a "mutton" or sheep. Annie weighs so little, she got to go even though she's over the age limit. 
Giddy-up cowgirl!
John is ready.
Annie's sheep head-planted her into the dirt right out of the gate, good thing she's such a tough cookie!

John's sheep was so crazy his shoes literally shook off him.  He stayed on longer than any other boys!
It was a happy surprise to see my Uncle Robert Noack working the fair!!
 I love him and every time I hug him it's like hugging my dad. 
This little girl is the sweetest strawberry shortcake.  (Asher looks envious!)
Strawberry is his favorite flavor too!

The kids faces in this crack me up! See you next year fair!!

1 comment:

Abe Fox said...

The Mutton Bustin' looks so FUNNNN!!!!! It's impossible for every person to experience every cool or fun thing there is in this wonderful world.........so instead we get to enjoy those things we haven't done through other people!!

Thanks for sharing!!!