Memorial Day 5/10

My brother-in-law Phil is a great photographer and sent this one of our girls with their cousins Ruth and Talitha. They love playing around on Foxhill and they like it best when they are with cousins. What lucky kids!

Tea Party 5/10

Our local library hosted a Fancy Nancy tea party for girls Annie's age. She had a lovely time playing games, making friends and dressing up. It was nice to do something just her and I. She loves a good party!

Making bracelets.

They painted her nails!

She liked the marshmallow, strawberry grape kebabs!

Fashion 4/10

Jessica likes to be naked. We've gotten her to wear pull-ups at least most the time, but this outfit she chose to wear got me laughing! She was in these socks all day. Her favorite color is purple.

Naptime 4/10

Alexis took this one of Jessica.

Hmmmm..... 4/10

I was trying to get something done. I gave Jessica a bowl of chocolate pudding to "keep her busy". Oh, she was busy alright!! In retrospect, that wasn't a very good idea on my part!

The double dip.

Alexis and Julia's double birthday party 4/10

I had the girls do their party together, even though their birthdays are a month apart. With morning sickness I didn't feel up to doing a lot! They decided on a fondue party. We started with cheese fondue and followed it up with dessert fondue complete with brownies and pound cake.

Happy 9th Julia!

Happy 11th Alexis!

Things quickly got silly....and messy!

The one that started it all....

My sweet girls.

Easter 4/10

I videotaped Easter this year, but I did take a shot of our carrot cake cupcakes. The girls helped me pipe on the carrots. They were crumbly, but yummy. We took them to a fun cousin and sister-in-law Easter-egg hunt at Jesse's sister Samatha's house. Thanks Sam! It was fun, even if we did have some snowflakes!! :)

My little bakers 3/10

They just whipped out some homemade bread. These girls are going to have some happy husbands with their cooking and baking skills!!

News 5/10

What is the smartest thing to do when you've had the most stressful and worst financial year of your life? Get pregnant! To make it even more fun, get a subchorionic hemorrhage and spend a few weeks on bed rest (with five kids at home and hubby at work long hours).

All kidding aside, it has been one crazy year. I'm about 14 weeks along and baby seems to be doing fine, but all this bleeding is scary. It seems this will be an ongoing issue for this pregnancy. This will be our last baby, which is a relief in some ways (no more morning sickness and mastitis!), and sad in others (no more sweet children!).

My morning sickness decided to kick it up a notch the last few weeks so I feel like a crazy woman sometimes, but thankfully due to a great set of visiting teachers, sister-in-laws and in-laws we've been getting dinners and such. My sister Heather actually surprised me and flew up to take care of my house and all of us for about 6 days. She left yesterday. :) I want to say thanks for all the prayers and fasting in our behalf.

We're hanging in there. We're trying to count our blessings and keep our spirits up! It will get better, I know.

Party at Grandpa's 2/10

This is probably Jessica's favorite person in the world right now, so it was only fitting that we went to Grandpa (and Grandma) Foxes house for a little party. She lets him hold her and doesn't squirm a bit. She loves to cuddle him!

Jessica is two!!

She blew out the candles so fast I couldn't get a shot in time!

She loves Ni Hao Kai Lan because it has a Grandpa on it!


I didn't get a shot of it, but she got a little apron with a pockets for 24 crayons in it so they're handy when you feel like drawing. Grandma always finds creative things for gifts!

She really enjoyed it.

Julia took this profile shot. So sweet.

She was very excited to look at the card Grandma gave her!

Jessica's birthday 3/1/10

Our little Jessi-Lu is two now! I can hardly believe it. Julia wanted to celebrate by making fresh squeezed lemonade. Thanks to Grandma Harrington for the birthday money that bought the sweet fairy dress she's wearing!

On the back porch. We've had a lot of rain, so it was nice that it was sunny!

Blue and Gold 2/10

I'm an assistant den leader in our ward (and on the activities committee). I'm not putting on a lot of pics here, but I wanted to put some of John up. I took my kids with me since it was a carnival theme. We had pulled pork sandwiches and fixings along with homemade rootbeer that I had the fun of doing for the first time.

John waited in line for the beanbag toss behind a bunch of 9-11 year old boys, most of whom were missing most the time. John went up and no joke, put about 7-8 beanbags through the same hole like it was no big deal. The cubmaster in charge was cracking up. It was pretty awesome. I really should put him in some kind of sports. :)

Sewing 2/10

Alexis, Julia and Annie have been learning to sew from our sweet next door neighbor. I allowed Alexis and Julia to put my sewing machine in their bedroom and they will disappear for a few hours and come out with something like this homemade doll. They love to create!

Princess 2/10

Jessica does sometimes copy John's boy noises or sword fight with him, but she's pretty much all girl. She loves dress up and is ecstatic that Jesse went grocery shopping and brought her some Doritos!

Bathtime! 2/10

They may be 5 years apart in age...but in size the're not so different. Annie's got the height, but Jessica got thicker thighs and arms. :)

Annie's 7th birthday 2/10

Annie is a PARTY GIRL. Not in a bad way. She just loves any chance to celebrate. We had a "late-over" party. (We don't allow sleepovers, so this was the next best thing). We had them stay late instead. They all wore their jammies. We started out with everyone getting a manicure and pedicure from Alexis.

The birthday girl.


I wish this wasn't blurry. She was so excited to get some Littlest Pet Shops!

Pizza and rootbeer for dinner!

A couple of girls showed up in matching jammies.

Jessica likes whatever Annie likes.

She wanted brownies instead of cake.


Eating her ice cream on a fork. Funny.

When they watched Barbie and the Diamond Castle they all sang along and got to wear glow-in -the-dark necklaces!

John got a little glow-in-the-dark sword.